Professional Scrum Master™ (PSM) 認證實戰班



The Professional Scrum Master™ (PSM)是為期2天的課程,課程內容涵蓋了Scrum框架的原理和(經驗)過程理論,以及Scrum Master 這角色在其中的作用。 這課程是經由指導和團隊互動的結合來教授Scrum和敏捷運動的核心內容。 這課程還包括免費參加全球認可的Professional Scrum Master I認證考試(PSM I)。

這 PSM 證書不會過期、不需要更新,通過這認證考試後,您將成為 320,000+ PSM-I徽章持有者的精英社群的一分子。


關於 Professional Scrum Master (PSM)

  • 關於 Professional Scrum Master™ 課程:連結
  • 下載 Professional Scrum Master™ 課程概述:連結
  • 關於 Professional Scrum Master™ 認證級別:連結


✦ 課程內容

  • 由 和 Professional Scrum Trainer (PST) 一起打造和維護的培訓教材
  • 全程中文授課,搭配英語教材
  • 2天的課程參與團隊練習
  • 2次免費PSM-I認證考試的機會 (PSM-I 原考試費用: USD150/次)
  • 通過PSM-I的學生,PSM-II考試可享受40%的折扣
  • 電子版課程資料
  • 美國國際專案管理學會Project Management Institute (PMI) 的 14個Professional Development Unit (PDU)
  • 培訓師的親身實踐經驗


✦ 教練介紹

Tony Lee 是台灣第一個 Professional Scrum Trainer。
Tony Lee 有15年的軟體產業經驗,在 加拿大、美國、菲律、台灣 參與過軟體開發團隊和組織規模轉型, 從小至兩人的新創團隊,到國際企業均有經驗。




✦ 關於PSM

About Professional Scrum Matser™ (PSM)

Professional Scrum Master (PSM) is the cutting-edge course for effective Scrum Masters and for anyone coaching a software development team toward increased efficiency and effectiveness. The course includes advanced thinking for servant-leadership and behavioral shifts.

The Professional Scrum Master class introduces the principles and (empirical) process theory underpinning the Scrum framework. These are foundational insights upon which the rules and roles of Scrum are explored and discussed.

Throughout the course, students are challenged to think in terms of the Scrum principles to better understand what to do when returning to the workplace.

The PSM course is much more than just a set of slides and an instructor. In this course, students work on real-life cases with other classmates together as a team. This course is made up of discussions and hands-on exercises based upon real-life cases. maintains the defined curriculum and materials only taught by the most qualified Professional Scrum Trainers (PSTs) to assure consistency and quality for students worldwide.

Course topics

  • Scrum theory and principles
  • The Scrum framework: roles, rules, and artefacts
  • Product Delivery with Scrum
  • Working with people and teams
  • The role of the Scrum Master


Students are challenged to think in terms of Scrum and the Scrum principles to better understand what to do when they return to their workplaces.

  • Students will have a clear understanding of the mechanics of Scrum and their coherence from the empirical foundation of Scrum.
  • Students can act as a Scrum Master for Scrum Teams and stakeholders from an in-depth understanding of servant-leadership.
  • Students can effectively start up Scrum or increase their effectiveness if already underway.


Students work in teams. They learn through team assignments, discussions, and hands-on exercises.

Course Prerequisites

Although there are no prerequisites, attendees make the most of the class if they:

  • Have studied the Scrum Guide (required)
  • Have passed the Scrum Open assessment
  • Have a solid understanding of Scrum either through working on a Scrum Team, or through having taken part in a Professional Scrum Foundations or similar course
  • Have been on or are closely involved in building or enhancing a software product or application using Scrum
  • Have read one of the Scrum books of Ken Schwaber or the book “Scrum – A Pocket Guide” by Gunther Verheyen 

Assessment and Certification

The Professional Scrum Master course has two associated credentials: Professional Scrum Master level I (PSM I) and Professional Scrum Master level II (PSM II).

All participants completing the Professional Scrum Master course will receive a password to attempt the Professional Scrum Master I (PSM I) assessment. PSM class participants who attempt the PSM I assessment within 14 days of receiving their free password and do not score at least 85% will be granted a 2nd attempt at no additional cost.

All participants completing the Professional Scrum Master course receive a password to take the PSM I assessment. And the participants are entitled to a 40% discount on the PSM II assessment once passing PSM I.

Scrum Certifications

Professional Scrum Master I (Included In The Price Of The Course)

People who have passed PSM I, achieving certification, demonstrate a fundamental level of Scrum mastery. PSM I certificate holders prove that they understand Scrum as described in the Scrum Guide and the concepts of applying Scrum.  PSM I holders have a consistent terminology and approach to Scrum.

No Renewal Costs

Professional Scrum certifications are yours for life with no renewal costs to retain them. Once you pass the assessment, you will retain that certification, you will be listed on the website and remain there forever with no additional future costs.



✦ 注意事項

因應 新型冠狀病毒肺炎 疫情相關防疫措施,請配合下述事項:

  • 參與課程參與人員,於開課前皆需接受工作人員量測體溫,若疑似身體不適或體溫過高者(超過37.5度)請勿參加課程,參與人員並請全程配戴口罩。
  • 若因前述原因無法參與課程者,得檢具就醫相關證明,於開課日前後一週內以電子郵件方式申請辦理全額退費(需扣除匯費並請提供匯款帳戶存摺封面)或延期。
  • 為因應防疫作業,疫情期間 課程中心 將加強場地清潔及消毒作業。
  • 課程中心不提供口罩,課程參與人員敬請自備口罩。



✦ 主辦單位


立宇創意學苑 / 台北市大同區承德路一段8號4樓


票種 販售時間 售價